冷.. 真的好冷
手發紫了 :(
此時此刻, 我多希望你在我身邊 :(
不過沒關係, 29號你就要來了♥
剛看了一段影片, 原來浴巾也能幫到我們減肥呢! 而且還是瘦大腿 XD
8月, 我真的過窮月 T_____T
我才發現,人思想變了, 成熟了, 才知道有許多事情是多么的重要!
倒數6天 ♥
♥ My Followers
没钱情侣的爱情故事. 感動 :(
一天,女孩说:亲爱的,今天我们去哪约会啊!男孩有点不好意思的笑着:嘻嘻,你知道德啊,咱们的老地方!女孩故意装着委屈:啊?又是公园啊!男孩看到女孩 这样,连忙道歉,女孩偷偷的看到男孩着急的样子,哈哈的大笑起,对男孩说:傻瓜、和你开玩笑的,我们去公园吧!嘻嘻!男孩捏捏女孩的鼻子:小笨蛋!等我有 钱了,一定给你最好的 !
这天,女孩的生日到了,男孩拿出平时积累的零用钱,决定送女孩礼物,一共才只有100多块钱。女孩如约的来到公园门口,看到了男孩,飞一样跑上去抱住男孩 说:亲爱的我们进去吧!男孩拉住女孩说:宝贝,今天你的生日,咱们不逛公园,去给你买一个你喜欢的礼物!女孩嘻嘻的笑了,抬起脚,轻轻的吻了男孩!大街上 走过的人们都说:看啊!这对小青年多甜蜜啊!年轻人都是这样、唉!
女 孩和男孩来到了服装店,一件美丽的羊毛衣让女孩发出了没出息的声音:哇、好美啊!我好喜欢!男孩说宝贝喜欢就试试,咱看看宝贝穿上它,一定更美丽了!女孩 高兴的拿着衣服进了试衣间,过了一小会,女孩穿着毛衣从试衣间里走出来,男孩看呆了,旁边的人也都看向他们这边,是啊!这件白色的羊毛衣,女孩穿上它,像 天使堕落凡间!女孩拍了男孩说:喂。亲爱的到底行不行啊,给点意见嘛!男孩笑着说:宝贝,你是我生命中的美丽天使!说着男孩去付钱,可是,收钱的店员说出 的价钱,让男孩尴尬的笑了笑,然后偷偷的拉过女孩,小声的说:宝贝,钱不够,我们...可以...在...看看别...
一天,女孩说:亲爱的,今天我们去哪约会啊!男孩有点不好意思的笑着:嘻嘻,你知道德啊,咱们的老地方!女孩故意装着委屈:啊?又是公园啊!男孩看到女孩 这样,连忙道歉,女孩偷偷的看到男孩着急的样子,哈哈的大笑起,对男孩说:傻瓜、和你开玩笑的,我们去公园吧!嘻嘻!男孩捏捏女孩的鼻子:小笨蛋!等我有 钱了,一定给你最好的 !
这天,女孩的生日到了,男孩拿出平时积累的零用钱,决定送女孩礼物,一共才只有100多块钱。女孩如约的来到公园门口,看到了男孩,飞一样跑上去抱住男孩 说:亲爱的我们进去吧!男孩拉住女孩说:宝贝,今天你的生日,咱们不逛公园,去给你买一个你喜欢的礼物!女孩嘻嘻的笑了,抬起脚,轻轻的吻了男孩!大街上 走过的人们都说:看啊!这对小青年多甜蜜啊!年轻人都是这样、唉!
女 孩和男孩来到了服装店,一件美丽的羊毛衣让女孩发出了没出息的声音:哇、好美啊!我好喜欢!男孩说宝贝喜欢就试试,咱看看宝贝穿上它,一定更美丽了!女孩 高兴的拿着衣服进了试衣间,过了一小会,女孩穿着毛衣从试衣间里走出来,男孩看呆了,旁边的人也都看向他们这边,是啊!这件白色的羊毛衣,女孩穿上它,像 天使堕落凡间!女孩拍了男孩说:喂。亲爱的到底行不行啊,给点意见嘛!男孩笑着说:宝贝,你是我生命中的美丽天使!说着男孩去付钱,可是,收钱的店员说出 的价钱,让男孩尴尬的笑了笑,然后偷偷的拉过女孩,小声的说:宝贝,钱不够,我们...可以...在...看看别...
这 时,女孩把头朝着这边看来,有点眼熟,再看,在哪里见过,再看,她开始狂吼:不,不是这样子,不要...女孩疯一般抱起男孩,把男孩整个都抱在自己的怀 里,颤抖的嘴角抽动着,眼睛的泪水好象不存在了,她看到男孩似乎要说什么,她看到礼盒里散落的羊毛衣,被鲜血染红了,她看见半空中缓缓飘下的纸条,纸条 里,这样写着:


♥ 16.8.2010
爸 爸,你为何忍心骗你最爱的女儿,几年来,我每吃一次蛋糕,我对你的思念越积累,我们10年后的再会也就越期盼。10年前,若你让我选择的话,我宁愿爸爸不 要骗我,你该相信你的女儿吧!我会坚强,我会更努力逗爷爷,奶奶,妈眯笑。又或。。。。。。来骗我一辈子,和我玩一辈子捉迷藏,让我赢回一辈子的 你。。。。。。
爸 爸,你为何忍心骗你最爱的女儿,几年来,我每吃一次蛋糕,我对你的思念越积累,我们10年后的再会也就越期盼。10年前,若你让我选择的话,我宁愿爸爸不 要骗我,你该相信你的女儿吧!我会坚强,我会更努力逗爷爷,奶奶,妈眯笑。又或。。。。。。来骗我一辈子,和我玩一辈子捉迷藏,让我赢回一辈子的 你。。。。。。
祝福你們· :) ♥
看了他們的部落格, 才知道原來Yuki心美眉懷孕了!
恭喜你們呢:) 要繼續幸福下去, 要生個健康可愛的娃娃!
我想說呀, 不需要理會外面人的眼光, 只要你們活的開心就好. 還有許多人會給予你們支持與祝福嘛 ♥
恭喜你們呢:) 要繼續幸福下去, 要生個健康可愛的娃娃!
我想說呀, 不需要理會外面人的眼光, 只要你們活的開心就好. 還有許多人會給予你們支持與祝福嘛 ♥
How to be a good boyfriend?
Hey guys! Here are 10 things you can do to be a good or should I say a caring boyfriend =)
Be honest with her and with yourself. Never cheat because it will backfire on you. I caught my ex-boyfriend cheating on me and once is enough to convince me to dump him right away, even though the relationship is already 3 years.
Just be yourself. Do not try to impress her, whether it is by saying or doing things you would not do normally in an effort to sound cool or stay quiet just because you are afraid of saying the wrong thing. Over-impressing someone will sometimes affect the way you act and she will notice you to be fake and unnatural eventually. So, just be your real self and he will love it. Always remember that he chooses you because you are you and there is no one quite like you.
Communicate with her. Communication is vital in any relationship. Exchange views and thoughts. Do not do all the talking and expect her to listen to you only. Be a good listener for her as well. Make sure you are really listening when she is talking and do not just wait for your chance to talk or keep talking about yourself.
Have compassion. Try to put yourself in her shoes and you will actually know how she feels and what she is going through. This will eventually enhance the relationship with better understanding.
Understand her moods. Women are pretty emotional and sensitive. Most of us tend get agitated easily particularly when our menses approaching. So, bear with the emotional tantrums.
Be polite, please! Have good manners, say thank you, please and say goodbye before ending calls. Do not hang up the phone suddenly. It is a turn off having bad phone manners and impoliteness is very irritating. Oh yeah, please avoid cursing as well.
Do not embarrass her. Do not go around telling others (even if it is your best friend) about her without her consent. It is a major disrespect and it will hurt her. If you both argued over an issue, do not tell others before discussing the solution with her.
Be thoughtful. Remember important dates such as birthdays or anniversaries and make plans to surprise her. Do not let the relationship turn dull as time passes by. Check out 123 ways to express your love for quick ideas.
Love her for who she is. Do not attempt to change her or compare her to your ex-girlfriends or any celebrities of your fancy. Remember, you chose her initially because of her and not because you want her to be someone else.
Practice good hygiene. Most girls would rather have a boyfriend who cares for hygiene than a boyfriend who is good looking but lack of hygiene. So, take care of your skin, hair and overall health.
Be honest with her and with yourself. Never cheat because it will backfire on you. I caught my ex-boyfriend cheating on me and once is enough to convince me to dump him right away, even though the relationship is already 3 years.
Just be yourself. Do not try to impress her, whether it is by saying or doing things you would not do normally in an effort to sound cool or stay quiet just because you are afraid of saying the wrong thing. Over-impressing someone will sometimes affect the way you act and she will notice you to be fake and unnatural eventually. So, just be your real self and he will love it. Always remember that he chooses you because you are you and there is no one quite like you.
Communicate with her. Communication is vital in any relationship. Exchange views and thoughts. Do not do all the talking and expect her to listen to you only. Be a good listener for her as well. Make sure you are really listening when she is talking and do not just wait for your chance to talk or keep talking about yourself.
Have compassion. Try to put yourself in her shoes and you will actually know how she feels and what she is going through. This will eventually enhance the relationship with better understanding.
Understand her moods. Women are pretty emotional and sensitive. Most of us tend get agitated easily particularly when our menses approaching. So, bear with the emotional tantrums.
Be polite, please! Have good manners, say thank you, please and say goodbye before ending calls. Do not hang up the phone suddenly. It is a turn off having bad phone manners and impoliteness is very irritating. Oh yeah, please avoid cursing as well.
Do not embarrass her. Do not go around telling others (even if it is your best friend) about her without her consent. It is a major disrespect and it will hurt her. If you both argued over an issue, do not tell others before discussing the solution with her.
Be thoughtful. Remember important dates such as birthdays or anniversaries and make plans to surprise her. Do not let the relationship turn dull as time passes by. Check out 123 ways to express your love for quick ideas.
Love her for who she is. Do not attempt to change her or compare her to your ex-girlfriends or any celebrities of your fancy. Remember, you chose her initially because of her and not because you want her to be someone else.
Practice good hygiene. Most girls would rather have a boyfriend who cares for hygiene than a boyfriend who is good looking but lack of hygiene. So, take care of your skin, hair and overall health.
How to be a good girlfriend?
Falling in love is great, especially if you have stolen the heart of your dream guy! However, there are things you must know if you want to be the coolest girlfriend around!
Just be yourself
Do not be desperate to impress him, whether it is by saying or doing things you would not do normally in an effort to sound cool or stay quiet just because you are afraid of saying the wrong thing. Over-impressing someone will sometimes affect the way you act and he will notice you to be fake and unnatural eventually. So, just be your real self. Always remember that he chooses you because you are you and there is no one quite like you!
Have your own life and do not cling
Ok, you fell in love with him and you want to be with him 24-7. Yeah, it sounds loving and sweet but spending all day, every day with your guy is unhealthy to the relationship. It is sweet to know that you care and feel so proud of your guy that you cannot bear to leave his side but please give him a break! Of course, he wants to spend time with you too but just not all of it! Sticking to your boyfriend like a leech is a bad idea! It is essential to keep your man wanting more. In other words, do not be a clingy sweetheart who is available 24 hours a day or sit by phone to wait for his phone call! Have time for your interests, friends and family members. Give yourself and him room to breathe, would ya?
Learn more about him
Do not assume that you know him well just because you know his underwear size, shoe size and etc. There is always a lot to learn about a man, especially if he is the type who plays the cards close to his chest. Try to learn more about him, either from his family members or close friends. He will be amazed to know that you actually show interest and understand him.
Understand his moods
No one is jolly 24 hours a day. We all have our days when we are gloomy, sensitive and irritable. If your boyfriend has had a bad day, do not be suspicious or assume that he does not love you anymore. You may be tempted to help him to soothe his depression or bad mood but think how annoying it can be when you keep asking “Are you ok?”, “What’s the matter?” or “Anything I can do?” Try to give your boyfriend some space to do his thinking and calm his feelings. What you do not do can be more helpful than what you do at times!
Do not try to change him
You are dating him because you think he is great, right? So, accept him for who he is and appreciate the fact that nobody is perfect. It is meaningless to go out with someone and expect him to change the way he dresses, speaks or etc. What if you are dating a guy who tries to change you? Not a good idea, eh?
Feel free to express your opinion
Do not agree to whatever he suggests, because you can never agree on everything he says. Feel free to express your thoughts, likes or dislikes. Many girls are afraid to speak up because they fear that they will offend their boyfriend. You will only lose your identity if you are too watchful of what you want to say or say whatever you think he wants to hear. Many guys will appreciate if you voice your thoughts and have your own views. So, speak your mind whenever it is necessary.
Do not be overly jealous
A little jealousy is healthy for a relationship but being overly jealous will harm. Try to build more trust and be cool about his female clients or friends. Of course, if you caught him having phone sex or texting the opposite sex every night or sticking his tongue down someone else’s throat, well, that is a different story altogether…
Just be yourself
Do not be desperate to impress him, whether it is by saying or doing things you would not do normally in an effort to sound cool or stay quiet just because you are afraid of saying the wrong thing. Over-impressing someone will sometimes affect the way you act and he will notice you to be fake and unnatural eventually. So, just be your real self. Always remember that he chooses you because you are you and there is no one quite like you!
Have your own life and do not cling
Ok, you fell in love with him and you want to be with him 24-7. Yeah, it sounds loving and sweet but spending all day, every day with your guy is unhealthy to the relationship. It is sweet to know that you care and feel so proud of your guy that you cannot bear to leave his side but please give him a break! Of course, he wants to spend time with you too but just not all of it! Sticking to your boyfriend like a leech is a bad idea! It is essential to keep your man wanting more. In other words, do not be a clingy sweetheart who is available 24 hours a day or sit by phone to wait for his phone call! Have time for your interests, friends and family members. Give yourself and him room to breathe, would ya?
Learn more about him
Do not assume that you know him well just because you know his underwear size, shoe size and etc. There is always a lot to learn about a man, especially if he is the type who plays the cards close to his chest. Try to learn more about him, either from his family members or close friends. He will be amazed to know that you actually show interest and understand him.
Understand his moods
No one is jolly 24 hours a day. We all have our days when we are gloomy, sensitive and irritable. If your boyfriend has had a bad day, do not be suspicious or assume that he does not love you anymore. You may be tempted to help him to soothe his depression or bad mood but think how annoying it can be when you keep asking “Are you ok?”, “What’s the matter?” or “Anything I can do?” Try to give your boyfriend some space to do his thinking and calm his feelings. What you do not do can be more helpful than what you do at times!
Do not try to change him
You are dating him because you think he is great, right? So, accept him for who he is and appreciate the fact that nobody is perfect. It is meaningless to go out with someone and expect him to change the way he dresses, speaks or etc. What if you are dating a guy who tries to change you? Not a good idea, eh?
Feel free to express your opinion
Do not agree to whatever he suggests, because you can never agree on everything he says. Feel free to express your thoughts, likes or dislikes. Many girls are afraid to speak up because they fear that they will offend their boyfriend. You will only lose your identity if you are too watchful of what you want to say or say whatever you think he wants to hear. Many guys will appreciate if you voice your thoughts and have your own views. So, speak your mind whenever it is necessary.
Do not be overly jealous
A little jealousy is healthy for a relationship but being overly jealous will harm. Try to build more trust and be cool about his female clients or friends. Of course, if you caught him having phone sex or texting the opposite sex every night or sticking his tongue down someone else’s throat, well, that is a different story altogether…
Welcome August. =)
嗯. 歡迎8月的來臨 =)
時間過得快, 將要年尾了. 許多事都要漸漸改變了. 突然好想回到小時候的我 :(
31號的晚上, 久沒泡夜店的我, 終於去了馬六甲的 @Arena. 一句話, 我很開心!
散場時也無意間發生了些事. 讓我嚇到下. *其實又讓我回到當初的感覺*
話不多說, 看照片吧. =)
更多的照片在我的面子書 :)
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